



2024-07-19 15:23:02 来源:网络


分别用go after , go against , go along with , go around, 造句,并写...
1 I went after him in order to make friends with him. 我追上他为了和他交朋友2 He always goes against her because he doesn't like her. 因为他不喜欢她 所以他总是反对她3 I'll go along with you 我会跟你一起去的4 go around 是有很多意思的 《1. 等会说。
I went after him in order to make friends with him.我追上他为了和他交朋友2 He always goes against her because he doesn't like her.因为他不喜欢她所以他总是反对她3 I'll go along with you 我会跟你一起去的4 go around 是有很多意思的《1.参观2.走访3.转动,旋转,运转;眩到此结束了?。


分别用go after , go against , go along with , go around, 造句,并写...
eg:If you go against nature, it will punish you.如果你违背了在自然,它就会惩罚你。go along with: 赞同eg:We will go along with your suggestion.我们将同意你的建议。go around: 供应流传四处走动eg:I don't want to go around here barefoot.我不想在这里光着脚板走路。希望对你有说完了。
eg:I've decided to go after that job in Ohio.我决定力争得到俄亥俄州的那份工作.go against:反对不利于违反eg:If you go against nature,it will punish you.如果你违背了在自然,它就会惩罚你.go along with:赞同eg:We will go along with your suggestion.我们将同意你的建议.go aro说完了。